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Prof. Salvatore Magazu

Affiliation :
University of Messina,Italy

Biography :

Salvatore Magazù is Professor of Experimental Physics since 2002 at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences of the Messina University in Italy. He is currently President of the Interuniversity Consortium for Applied Physics. He was chairman of the Scientific Committee on Glass Forming Systems at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble) and member of several Scientific Committees at ESRF and Institute Laue Langevin (ILL, Grenoble). At present, he is engaged in a project for the European Spallation Source. He has received several international and national prizes, such as the Scientia Europaea 2000 Prize by the French Academy of Sciences and by Aventis. His research activity concerns the structural and dynamic characterization of disordered systems of biophysical interest such as bioprotective systems, biomolecules (proteins, antioxidants) and water. Its transdisciplinary approach relies on the integrated use of complementary spectroscopic techniques such as neutron scattering, synchrotron radiation and optical spectroscopies.

University: www.unime.it 

Research Interest :

Spectroscopic Techniques, Biophysics, Numerical modelling, Neutron imaging

Biography of Salvatore Magazu OJRMI