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Hridayesh Prakash
Asso. Prof. Hridayesh Prakash

Affiliation :
Amity University,India

Biography :

I have been exploring macrophages as my research model for more than a decade in various discease models like hemopoietic syndrome, C. pneumoniae and mycobacterial pulmonary infection, ALRTI and pancreatic cancers. Macrophages are unique, ubiquitous and integrated part of both innate and adaptive immunity as well as components of tissue homeostatic apparatus. Both peripheral and tissue macrophages together constitute the Reticulo-endothelium system which play major role in sensing pathogens and tumor antigens for their effective eradication. Out of several immune cells, the macrophages display a range of plasticity in their phenotype in different pathological conditions which qualify them as one of potential target cells of body for the management of various human diseases clinically. Due to their plastic nature, these cells are literally involved in most of immunological and physiological process.

University: https://indiabioscience.org/orgs/amity-university/jobs/ph-d-position 

linkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/in/hridayesh-prakash-ph-d-frsb-4290a538 

IUIS: https://www.amity.edu/faculty-detail.aspx?facultyID=2585 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4UK3Ag8AAAAJ&hl=en https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5269-2481 

Research Interest :

Tumor Immunology / Immunotherapy (lung and pancreatic cancer), Cell based Immunotherapies, Host Apoptosis regulation, Signal Transduction, Pulmonary Infection Biology, Radiation Biology

Biography of Hridayesh Prakash OJRMI