Indexing & Abstracting
Dr. Ciucu Anton Alexandru
Affiliation :
University of Bucharest, Romania,Romania
Biography :
Dr. Anton Alexandru Ciucu-developed his higher education at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Bucharest by obtaining his M.Sc. in 1979. In 1987 he got his Ph.D. in Chemistry, at Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry Department of Analytical Chemistry. Since 2000 he is full professor of Analytical Biochemistry at Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest. From 1979 to 1982 he served as an associate researcher at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Chromatography lab, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, and from 1983 to 2000 he has been teaching assistant and associate professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest. Since 2000 he is full professor of Analytical Biochemistry at Faculty of Chemistry Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Bucharest. In between 1991-1992 he acted as Visiting Professor (Postdoctoral fellowship) at University of Louisville, Chemistry Department, USA in Professor Dr. Richard Paul Baldwin lab working in the field of electroanalytical chemistry (construction and applications of chemically modified electrodes as electrochemical detectors in liquid chromatography). He was the vice-Director of the Centre for Research and Development of Bioanalytical Techniques (1999-2007). He was the recipient of the 2005 International award at "Global 100 Eco-Tech Awards", organized by Japan Association for EXPO 2005 Aichi, Japan, for a proposed technology entitled -Nucleic-Acid-Based Biosensors for Environmental Assessment of Toxic Chemicals", A. Ciucu and O.Frincu.
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Research Interest :
Bioanalytical Chemistry, Biolectrochemistry, Sensors and biosensors Since 1980 my research interests include the development of nanomaterial-based sensors, electrochemical biosensors, DNA biosensors, devices for environmental, security, and clinical monitoring. The research interests include the development of nanomaterial-based sensors, electrochemical biosensors, DNA recognition and diagnostics, devices for environmental, security, and clinical monitoring. His main research interests deals with the immobilization of biomolecules and transduction of their molecular recognition properties or catalytic activity for the design of biosensors and biofuel cells. He has made important contributions in the area of electrochemical biosensors and DNA sensors, functionalized polymers, designing, preparing and developing of new materials, modification of carbon nanotubes, and inorganic composite chemically modified electrodes.